Is Huawei a national security threat? Christopher Yoo, professor of law, communication, and computer and information science, describes why the Chinese technology company has become a hot topic of conversation in national security circles. Communication Computer and Information Science Law caret-arrow Resilience in Networked Systems
Cross-cultural similarities and differences in emoji usage In a recent study, Lyle Ungar and collaborators used machine learning to investigate similarities and differences in emoji usage in countries they defined as having either “Eastern” or “Western” cultures and what those differences might mean for how scientists view the relationship between online communication and health. Computer and Information Science caret-arrow Consensus and Contagion in Society
Innovative SP2 Faculty-Founded Speaker Series Awarded Additional Year of Grant Funding The Control Societies Speaker Series, founded by Ezekiel Dixon-Román, brings cutting-edge scholars to Penn, exploring how philosophical foundations of algorithms & data intersect with governmentality, surveillance, social policy, & power relations. Social Policy caret-arrow Consensus and Contagion in Society
Wharton prof explains Facebook’s new currency In a Q&A with Penn Today, Kevin Werbach explains Facebook’s latest venture: “Libra” cryptocurrency, whether it’s actually a cryptocurrency, Facebook’s interest in it, and looming regulatory challenges. Legal Studies & Business Ethics caret-arrow Resilience in Networked Systems
Preventative Measures As an international leader in the use of machine learning, Richard Berk uses very large datasets with hundreds of thousands of observations and many hundreds of variables to forecast crime. Read more about his research on mass violence. Criminology Statistics caret-arrow Social Norms for Algorithms
What Does Risk-Based Regulation Mean? "In a world where risks are omnipresent, complex, and potentially extremely costly, taking a risk-based approach to regulation is essential," writes Cary Coglianese. Read more in his recent Regulatory Review op-ed. Law Political Science caret-arrow Resilience in Networked Systems
Founded on an ecosystem of innovation See Warren Center affiliates Vijay Kumar and Konrad Kording featured in Penn's recent video on innovation at the University. “If it's new, if it's novel, then it holds promise to change the world. You'll find it at Penn,” says President Amy Gutmann. caret-arrow Ubiquity of Data
Communication Neuroscience Scholar Emily Falk Promoted to Full Professor Emily Falk, Professor of Communication, Psychology, and Marketing, recently received promotion to full professor. By looking at how people’s brains respond to, for example, news headlines or public health messaging, Falk’s work unlocks the unconscious and hidden dynamics in the brain that shapes our thinking. Communication Marketing Psychology caret-arrow Consensus and Contagion in Society
How the Mind Emerges from the Brain’s Complex Networks How does the brain give rise to who we are? Dani Bassett explains how this question has led to the new field of network neuroscience, which uses a branch of mathematics, graph theory, to model the brain connections that let us read, calculate, or simply sit and tap our fingers. Bioengineering caret-arrow Evolution, Emergence and the Brain
What this Wharton Professor Wants Students to Know About Customer Centricity Through two elective courses, an elaborate simulation, two books, and a Global Business Week in Finland and Sweden, Peter Fader offers students many opportunities to learn how customer centricity can drive profits. Read more about Fader's teaching and ventures. Marketing caret-arrow Ubiquity of Data