Warren Center Meet and Greet 2016

Glandt Forum, Singh Center for Nanotechnology

November 16, 2016

1:00 PM - 4:15 PM

This is an RSVP-only event. If you are able to attend please email Cheryl by Oct 21st- cherylh@cis.upenn.edu


1:00 pm- Coffee and Pastries

1:30 pm- Michael Kearns, Opening remarks

1:40 pm- Peter Fader, “Customer-based corporate valuation”

1:50 pm- Damon Centola, “Social Networks and the Dynamics of Collective Intelligence.”

2:00 pm- Richard Berk, “Algorithmic Forecasts of Criminal Behavior”

2:10 pm- Kevin Werbach, “Big Data, Big Responsibilities”

2:20 pm- Mike Javis, “Characterizing the impact of the atmosphere on the shapes of galaxies”

2:40 pm- Coffee Break

3:00 pm- Raghuram Iyengar, “Marketing actions and field experiments”

3:10 pm- Sarah Moshary, “Pricing & Regulation”

3:20 pm- Aaron Roth, “Fairness in Machine Learning”

3:30 pm- Ezekiel Dixon-Román, “Ubiquitous Algorithmic Reasoning & the Reconfiguring of Society”.

3:40 pm- William La Cava, “Feature learning for biomedical data”

3:50 pm- Aviv Nevo, “Data, Consumer Choice and Public Policy”

4:00 pm- Benjamin Connault, “Structural Dynamic Models in Econometrics”

4:15 pm- Reception