Cyber Insurance and Cyber Resilience: A Workshop for Researchers and Practitioners

Silverman 147

Co-sponsored by The Warren Center

December 13, 2019

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Topics for this workshop include:

  • Developments in assessing cyber risk
  • The insurability of cyber risk in theory and practice
  • Towards strict liability for information security breaches?
  • What’s next in the evolution of cyber insurance coverage?
  • The insurer’s role in preventing and mitigating cyber losses
  • The role of dispute resolution in shaping the cyber insurance market
  • The significance of network externalities for cyber insurance and cyber resilience



8:30 a.m.   Session 1: Setting the stage: the state of the market for insuring cyber risks and pressing concerns

  • Matt Prevost, Chubb
  • Annamarie Landaverde, Munich Re
  • Emma Lalovic, FM Global
  • Tom Baker, moderator


9:45 a.m.   Session 2: Technological developments: cyber risks and cyber security

  • Tyler Moore, University of Tulsa
  • Daniel Woods, University of Innsbruck
  • Wade Chmielinski, FM Global
  • Christopher Yoo, moderator


11:00 a.m.   Coffee break


11:30 a.m.   Session 2: The economics of networks: cyber security, cyber insurance, and the terrorism analogy

  • Ben Golub, Harvard
  • Mingan Liu, University of Michigan
  • Alex Braun, University of St. Gallen
  • Kyle Logue, University of Michigan
  • Rakesh Vohra, moderator


1:00 p.m.   Lunch, with remarks by Anja Shortland


2:00 p.m.   Session 4: Policy levers to improve cyber security

  • Brittany Baker, CyberCube
  • Bruce Kobayashi, FTC
  • Brian Choi, University of Ohio
  • Shauhin Talesh, University of California, Irvine
  • Sasha Romanovsky, moderator


3:15 p.m.   Concluding remarks

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