Warren Center Workshop: Big Data and Open Science with R

Jon M. Huntsman Hall, Room 265

November 21, 2014 - November 22, 2014

9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Organized by Francis DiTraglia (Economics)

The open-source R statistical programming language is one of the most widely-used tools for data analysis both in academia and the private sector. With a huge user community and thousands of available packages with applications as diverse as econometrics, finance, linguistics, machine learning and medical imaging, there’s never been a better time to learn R if you’re new to the language or to deepen your knowledge if you’re a seasoned R user.

Led by some of the world’s leading R experts — Haldey Wickham, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Yihui Xie — this hands-on workshop will begin with a high-level introduction for those new to the language and go on to cover a range of tools that will make your research faster, more reliable, and easier to share.

The workshop, inclusive of lunch on both days, is free to Penn faculty and students, but space is limited. To reserve your place, please register in advance.

Contact Frank DiTraglia (fditra@sas.upenn.edu) if you have questions or concerns.

Register here


Friday, November 21st:

9:30-10am: Registration

10am-1pm: Session 1 – Welcome, R Introduction / Review

1-2pm: Box Lunch Provided

2-5pm: Session 2 – R Package Development


Saturday, November 22nd:

10am-1pm: Session 3 – Creating Dynamic Documents with knitr and RMarkdown

1-2pm: Box Lunch Provided

2-5pm: Session 4 – High Performance Computing with Rcpp and RcppArmadillo